If you are ever in the city of Boston, you can visit the grave site of Prince Hall. Your automobile GPS navigator will get you to the cemetery, and your handheld GPS will get you to the headstone. Continue reading

If you are ever in the city of Boston, you can visit the grave site of Prince Hall. Your automobile GPS navigator will get you to the cemetery, and your handheld GPS will get you to the headstone. Continue reading
Castle Island is where Prince Hall and fourteen men of color were made Masons in 1775…or was it 1778? Continue reading
This paper urges the reader to KNOW his history, even if he or she cannot take the time to document it. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32. Continue reading
We are focusing on expanding our Council of Representatives. This program is of tremendous benefit to the Society when it is fully active. We want to have at least one Representative in every Prince Hall Jurisdiction, and perhaps more in the larger jurisdictions. These persons will be the ambassadors for the society within their geographic region. If you support the goals of the Phylaxis Society, maybe you will agree to become one.
Each of our members and subscribers can help us with the Masonic Sites Program. The goal is to record every masonic structure, past and present, as a historical site (we never know how historic they will be a decade from now). Our intent is to accumulate a national database to include meeting locations, the burial sites of notable Masons, as well as monuments erected to Masons. The Director of Masonic Sites is charged with getting this program underway.