Message from the Director of Lux e Tenebris

Honorable Genaro Urso, FPS, was appointed as Director of the Lux e Tenebris Research Chapter during the 2023 annual session.

I am honored and humbled to be appointed as Director of the Lux e Tenebris Research Chapter of the Phylaxis Society. Additionally, I am extremely grateful to President Alex Smith, FPS-Life, and the current fellows of the chapter for your faith in me and continued support of my masonic journey and research endeavors. Appreciative of this immense privilege, I promise to do my absolute best to uphold current standards of the Phylaxis Society and incorporate new ideas, with assistance from the membership, in an effort to catapult the Chapter into unchartered territory.

Thank you to Honorable Rev. Tommy Rigmaiden (FPS-Life), Honorable Marlon S. Honeywell (FPS-Life), and Honorable Jeff Menzise (FPS),  for your unwavering spirit of excellence as former Directors and for your dedication to publishing some of the best academic articles in the Lux e Tenebris transactions. Such tenacity and hard work is greatly appreciated; and we would not have been able to enjoy previous scholastic accomplishments without your tireless efforts.

Please join the Lux e Tenebris Chapter as we continue to explore, scrutinize. present, and publish Masonic manuscripts germane to the mission of the Phylaxis Society. Moreover, we are hopeful that our current scholarly deeds contribute significantly to the betterment of mankind and to the annals of Masonic history for years to come.