York Rite Research Institute

York Rite Research Institute

Richard L. Hudson Jr, FPSH, Life

Director of YRRI

E-mail: york@thephylaxis.org

Subject: A Letter of Invitation to Membership

Greetings Grand Master, Most Excellent High Priest, Most Illustrious Thrice Grand Master, Right Eminent Grand Commander, Worshipful Master, Excellent High Priest, Thrice Illustrious Master, Eminent Commander, Brother, Companion, Illustrious Companion, and Sir Knight:

The York Rite Research Institute is in the process of developing an educational tool to archive and do research as it pertains to your organization. When opportunities are provided to achieve knowledge on Masonic history and ritualistic work, the members will become energized, therefore, stimulating their interest to participate in meetings. We are an International Organization under the Phylaxis Society, and as part of our continuous commitment to the Masonic Family, we have determined that the main purpose of a meeting of any kind is to establish communication between members. A well-informed meeting would consist of an informational planning agenda that would limit lagging attendance. As part of our ongoing plan for the future, we are building bridges to further gain enlightenment in York Rite Masonry, whereas, the Brothers, Companions, Illustrious Companions, and Knights can complete the story of the preservation of the ancient mason?s word. This mission will be accomplished by presentation of our degrees in a dignified, entertaining, and informative manner; fostering a spirit of cooperation and coordination among the Lodge, Chapter, Council, Commandery, and Priory of Masons; I am encouraging each Order to assist the York Rite body of the Free and Accepted Masons in spreading the light of the ideals of freemasonry. We will need the good will and active support of all Brothers, Companions, and Knights if we are going to be successful in our ambitious goal of exalting, greeting, and knighting additional York Rite Masons. I believe that such a concerted effort will bring us all closer together towards improving our proficiency in ritualistic work, and increase attendance and participation in our constituent bodies. Masons are taught that when there are no designs on the trestle board, there is confusion in the craft.

I am asking you to make this letter available to your members of your organization so that they may have the opportunity to join our York Rite Research Institution, and share any research that they may have. A petition to join the YRRI can be located on our YRRI website.

Again, thank you for your assistance of the YRRI by providing our Masonic family the highest possible quality of research and publication as we guide our members of the order and members of the community towards a rich and rewarding Masonic enlighten. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at york@thephylaxis.org.


Richard L. Hudson Jr., FPSH, Life

Director of YRRI


Membership fee..$10

The requirements are, you must be a member of the Phylaxis Society, and it will be renewable at the same time that you renew your dues for the Phylaxis Society. You must fill out the petition and send it to  yrri@thephylaxis.org or york@thephylaxis.org. After your petition is reviewed, you will be informed where to send your membership fees. You are welcome to pay for as many years as you like.

York Rite Research Institute
Petition for Membership

I represent that I am a member of the Phylaxis Society in good standing, and hereby submit the following application to become a member of the York Rite Research Institute.
My name is ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________ City: _________________________________ State ________ Zip ________________
Telephone: __________________________ Alt. Telephone: ________________________
E-mail address: _______________________________________________
Date Joined Phylaxis Society: ____________________ Dated renewed subscription: _________________
My HRAM Chapter _________________________________________________
R & SM Council ____________________________________________________
KT Commandery ___________________________________________________
Priory ____________________________________________________________
I currently hold the following offices:
I have served as a Grand Officer in:

Applicant’s Signature: ________________________________________  Date: _________________


Membership Benefits

  • You have the ability to submit your historical information from your local masonic houses
  • A list of books that would be of interest to all York Rite Masons
  • List Masonic workshops held in your area for York Rite Masons
  • Receive the YRRI Newsletter
  • Share research documents
  • List of masonic websites of interest to York Rite Masons
  • Post historical sites that you would like to share with York Rite Masons



The Executive Director of the York Rite Research Institute will:

a. Direct all aspect of the York Rite Institute.

b. Publish a newsletter containing articles of interest about the York Rite to be sold by subscription.

c. Appoint a secretary to maintain the subscription database.

d. Establish a staff of writers and editors as may be needed.

e. Encourage research about York Rite Masonry

f. Maintain periodic contact with key persons in the York Rite to stay abreast of activities.

g. Publicize the newsletter in order to attract new subscribers.